
Angel Card & Medium Readings
I provide online Angel Card Medium Readings and also face to face sessions. Which means I communicate and get information and messages from the Spiritual Realm. I am Clairaudient so I also hear messages that need to be passed on.
Holistic Therapy Courses
Reiki Level 1 Course
Reiki Level 2 Course
Reiki Level 3 Course
Ascended Masters Healing of the Heart Course
Psychic Development Course
Seichem 1, 2 & 3 (Mastership)
Reiki Courses for Teenagers

Reiki 🌿is a natural healing technique for relaxing & reducing stress. Helps restore balance & harmony to the body, mind & spirit. Reiki is great for helping sleep, great for grounding and helping one feel more stable and balanced in their life. Its great for helping with stress and anxiety.
Crystal Healing is a powerful healing modality that uses Crystals to cleanse negative energy from the body therefore restoring natural balance to the body & mind. It helps clear ones Chakra system and Aura, clearing blockages therefore helping one heal completely on all levels of their being.
Seichem Healing is a gentle but very powerful healing technique, it is the next step up from Reiki & works not only with the earth 🌿energy of Reiki but also with Fire (Sakara)🔥, Air (Angelic-Light)🌀 & Water (Soph-IEL)💦.
Angelic Core Healing🌀 involves working with ones own Spirit Guides and Angels. Calling in the Archangels to heal the Client on a Physical, Emotional, Mental & Spiritual Level. It is a great healing modality for helping heal depression. Some can feel and sense the presence of Angelic and Spiritual beings during their Healing session. It is great for helping one find their purpose in life.
Counselling Sessions
I also offer a Low Cost Counselling Services, all taking place is a safe, private and non judgmental environment. I do offer my Counselling Clients an opportunity to mix both Counselling and Holistic Therapies in their sessions . As I find this combined method highly beneficial.
Holistic Therapy Sessions
Ascended Masters Healing of the Heart is a very Light but Grounding Healing Energy. It brings in the Elements of Air 🌀, Fire 🔥, Water 💦with the grounding energy of Earth 🌿. As the name suggests it works with the Ascended Masters, Healing the Physical Body, the Emotional Body, Mental Body and Spiritual Bodies. It helps one live in the moment, clearing fears of the future and healing all the past. Strengthening ones connection to their Higher Self , Source and Mother Earth. It can trigger ones Psychic Gifts.
Healing Circle
A monthly Meet where Healers meet to both give and receive healings.
Full Moon Meditation Circle
A Meditation Circle held monthly under a full moon. Using Guided Imagery and Healing Meditations