💜 Ascended Masters Healing of the Heart Course💜
Ascended Masters Healing of the Heart is a very Light but Grounding Healing Energy. It brings in the Elements of Air 🌀, Fire 🔥, Water 💦with the grounding energy of Earth 🌿.
As the name suggests it works with the Ascended Masters, Healing the Physical Body, the Emotional Body, Mental Body and Spiritual Bodies.
This course is not only a Practitioners Course but a Teaching Course.
It is for those who have learned Reiki 1 and 2, or something similar. It can be used for self healing and working with the public.
💜Date : running throughout the year
💜Time : 10-5 o'clock Sat and Sun
💜Location : Trim, Co. Meath
💜Price : 250 euro
💜Deposit : 50 euro
💜Contact : 0863532390
Booking Essential, Places Limited
Deposit secures place
Please pm me to keep a space
Course Content :
🔶What is AMH
🔶Benefits of this type of Healing
🔶The AMH Symbols
🔶An Attunement to the Ascended Masters
🔶Lord Melchizedek Attunement
🔶Hand positions for Self Healing
🔶Hand positions healing others
🔶Learn how to give Attunements
🔶Detailed Manual
A Practitioners and Teaching Certificate
Ascended Masters Healing helps one live in the moment, in the here and now. It heals and releases the past and removes fears and anxieties about the future. It provides an in-depth Healing for the Heart. It greatly improves sleep. It connects one to Mother Earth and open up and connects one to their Higher Self and Source. It brings about acceptance of the Self, living your true self and speaking your truth. It brings about self awareness and slows down your view of the world around you. It helps you forgive others and more importantly helps you forgive yourself for any wrongs you have done.
By living in the moment you can truly enjoy life without worry, fear, guilt or anxiety.
Caroline Coleman
Founder and Creator of Ascended Masters Healing of the Heart 💜
🌿Reiki Level 1 Course🌿
Reiki is an extremely gentle, yet powerful form of Healing. It is Hands on Healing that helps bring Balance and Harmony to the Body, Mind and Spirit.
The main focus of Reiki Level 1 Course is Self Healing. It also lets the student use Reiki on family and friends. You can use Reiki on yourself everyday to help heal every aspect of your life. This is a weekend course.
🔶 Date : running throughout the year
🔶Time : 10 oc - 5 oc Saturday & Sunday
🔶Location : Trim, Co. Meath
🔶Price : 180 euro
🔶Deposit : 50 euro
🔶Contact : 0863532390 to secure a place
(Places limited, Booking Essential)
Free parking
Tea, Coffee and Biscuits provided.
Course Content
🌸What Reiki is
🌸History of Reiki
🌸Benefits of Reiki
🌸Learning about the Aura & Chakras
🌸Protections, Clearances & Grounding
🌸Reiki self healing hand positions
🌸Hand positions for healing others
🌸Performing Healings
Participants will receive a Reiki Manual and a Reiki Level 1 Certification
If anyone decides they want to practice Reiki professionally they can move on to Reiki Level 2. It is advised to leave a gap of 3 months between Levels 1 & 2
I run a Healing Circle, that runs monthly where Healers can meet up and practice Healings on each other as a support after the Course.
🌿Reiki Level 2 Course🌿
🔶Date : running throughout the year
🔶Time : 10oc - 5oc
🔶Location : Trim, Co. Meath
🔶Price : 220 euro
🔶Deposit : 50 euro
🔶 Phone : 0863532390
Places Limited, Booking Essential
(Deposit secures a place)
Free parking
Tea, Coffee and Biscuits provided
In Reiki Level two, the Healer is Initiated into a more powerful healing energy. It is recommended for those who want to work professionally. It helps increase the Practitioners Healing and Intuitive Abilities
Course Content :
🔷Reiki 2 Attunement
🔷Reiki Symbols
🔷 Extra Self Healing techniques
🔷Distant Healing
🔷Advanced Spiritual and Psychic protections
🔷Learn how to scan the Aura
🔷Practice Healings
As with Reiki 1 I am available for support after the course.
I also run a monthly Healing Circle for healers to meet for support and giving each other Healings at a cost of 20 euro for two hours.
You will receive a Tera- Mai Reiki Two manual and a Reiki 2 certificate, which entitles you to practise professionally as a reiki level two healer.
💛Psychic Development Course💛
Want to develop your Intuition or Psychic Abilities ? Want to learn how to channel information from Spirit ? This 2 day Course might be for you 💛
🔆Date : ongoing throughout the year
🔆Time : 10-5 sat and sun
🔆Location : Trim, Co. Meath
🔆Price : 250
🔆 Deposit : 50
🔆 Contact : 0863532390
Tea/Coffee and refreshments
💛Deposit secures a space💛
Places Limited
Free parking
Course Content :
✨ Explanation of Psychic Abilities
✨ Automatic Writing
✨ Psychometry
✨ Protection/Clearances
✨ Improving your Abilities
✨ Card Reading
✨ Seeing the Aura
✨ Sensing Spirit
✨Meeting your Spirit Guides
✨Pendulum Reading
✨ Crystal Ball gazing
✨ Channelling
✨ Learning ways to improve your Psychic Abilities
✨ Exercises & Meditations
✨ Crystals that improve your Psychic Abilities
✨ Self care as a Psychic
On Day two you will participate in giving a fellow student a Psychic Reading
You will receive a Manual & Certificate
You will also receive a Crystal Ball, Pendulum and a Crystal
This course is for those who have already done a Holistic Course like Reiki 1
A monthly meet is available after the course
A two hour meeting where you get to work more on your abilities with fellow Psychics
💛 Please note I may ask that you attend a healing session with me before this particular course💛
🌿Reiki Master & Teacher Degree🌿
Reiki 3 Master & Teacher degree and is recommended for those who would like to Teach Reiki. It is recommended to leave at least a 6 month to a year gap after Reiki 2 before attended a Reiki 3 Mastership Course, that is when the Reiki Practitioner has had enough time to work with the energies of Reiki on a personal and professional level.
💠Date : ongoing throughout the year
💠Time : 10 o'clock- 5 o'clock
💠Location : Trim, Co. Meath
💠Price : 250 euro
💠Deposit : 50 euro
💠Phone : 0863532390
Places Limited, Booking Essential
(Deposit secures a place)
Free parking
Tea, Coffee and Biscuits provided
Course Content :
🔷Reiki 3 Attunement
🔷Learning how to give all Reiki Attunements
🔷Learning how to give Christ Consciousness Attunement
🔷You will receive all the Tera Mai Symbols
🔷You will learn how to teach Reiki healing to others
As with Reiki 1 & 2 I am available for support after the course.
I also run a monthly Healing Circle for healers to meet for support and giving each other Healings at a cost of 20 euro for two hours.
You will receive a Tera-Mai Reiki 3 manual and a Reiki 3 certificate, which entitles you to Teach Tera Mai Reiki.
💜 Seichem Healing Course💜
(This Course is for Practitioners who have done Reiki 1,2 and Reiki Masters)
💚Date : ongoing throughout the year
💚Time : 10-5 o'clock
💚Location : Trim, Co. Meath
💚Price: 300 euro
💚Deposit : 100 euro to secure a place
💚Awarded :Certs for Level 1,2 and 3(mastership)
💚Manual provided
💚Booking Essential
Contact 0863532390 to secure a place
In the Seichem Course you will receive :
🔥🌀🌿💧🔥🌀🌿💧 🔥🌀🌿💧🔥🌀🌿💧
💛 An Attunement to Seichem level 1, 2 and 3 (Mastership)
💛 An Attunement to the Violet Flame
💛 An Attunement to Yod
💛 A Manual
💛 Seichem 1,2 & 3 (mastership) certificates
The Practitioner will learn how to give Seichem 1,2 &3 Attunements, how to do Psychic Surgery, Removal of the Aura, how to do the Violet Flame Attunement and the Yod Attunement. You will also receive Seichem symbols in this course.
🔥🌀🌿💧🔥🌀🌿💧 🔥🌀🌿💧 🔥🌀🌿💧
🌿Reiki Course for Teenagers🌿
💜 1 Day Course for Teens💜
(There are two age groups 13-15 years & 16-18 years)
Reiki is an extremely gentle, yet powerful form of Healing. It is Hands on Healing that helps bring Balance and Harmony to the Body, Mind and Spirit.
The main focus of Reiki Level 1 Course is Self Healing. It also lets the student use Reiki on family and friends. You can use Reiki on yourself everyday to help heal every aspect of your life. This is a weekend course.
🌈 This 1 Day Course is for Teenagers🌈
💜 Date : ongoing throughout the year
💛Time : 9.30 oc - 5 oc Saturday
💖Location : Trim, Co. Meath
💚Price : 75
💜Deposit : 20 euro
💛Contact : 0863532390 to secure a place
(Places limited, Booking Essential)
💖Free parking
💚Tea and biscuits provided at break and then the Teenagers get an hours break at 1 o'clock
Course Content
🌸What Reiki is
🌸History of Reiki
🌸Benefits of Reiki
🌸Learning about the Aura & Chakras
🌸Protections, Clearances & Grounding
🌸Reiki self healing hand positions
🌸Hand positions for healing others
🌸Performing Healings
Participants will receive a Reiki Manual and a Reiki Level 1 Certification
If anyone decides they want to practice Reiki professionally they can move on to Reiki Level 2. It is advised to leave a gap of 3 months between Levels 1 & 2
I run a Healing Circle, that runs monthly where Healers can meet up and practice Healings on each other as a support after the Course.
Students are also free to contact me for support after the Course.

Please see Upcoming Courses Tab for Course Dates
🌀Healing with the Angels Course🌀
This two day weekend Course introduces you to the Angels and Archangels. You will work along side them whilst using their Healing Techniques. Angel Healing is a very powerful yet calming style of healing. The energy can be experienced as cool breezes and both the Practitioner and Client can may feel and sense the Angelic presence around them.
This course is for those who have sat Reiki 1 or a course that is similar
Date - ongoing throughout the year
Location - Trim, Co.Meath
Price - 250 euro
Deposit - 75 euro
Tea and refreshments provided
Free Parking
Places Limited
Deposit secures a space
Course Content
🌸Introduction to the Angels
🌸Archangel Healing Techniques
🌸Self Healing
🌸Client Healing
🌸Distant Healing
🌸Angel Card Reading
🌸Angel Card Spread
🌸Working with the Angels
🌸Working with the Elements
Each student will receive a detailed manual and certificate
On completion of this Course you will be a Angelic Healer Practitioner